Sunday, 8 January 2017

New Year's Resolution: 5 Simple Rules of Healthy Lifestyle

Yes! I started my weight loss journey at the beginning of 2017! I really needed to do it and I'm glad I started... 

I know that there is a saying when it comes to weight loss: Nobody said it was easy. That is really true! I've started maybe a thousand times and as you can guess I never finished my weight loss journey... I feel that now I'm ready but I know that only time will say.
But... healthy lifestyle actually IS EASY! You can find (too) many articles that are far away from truth (and I want to start series where I'd explain these myths) but in the end you'll find out that all you need to keep your lifestyle healthy is to use your common sense! 
So what should you do to live healthy? 

Our society is known for its sedentary lifestyle. Every hour spent sitting is wrong for your body: it makes your methabolism slower, it weakens your muscles, it doesn't really help your spine, and so on.
We sit at school, we sit at work and then we sit at home (most of us). If you think that an hour-long workout will change that, it won't (but it's still better than nothing of course). But most of us can change that! Try to stand up every 30 minutes to stretch your whole body. It can only take two minutes but it will wake up your body. Not to mention that it helps your productivity as well...

I know you hear it all the time: sleep is important. But I need to repeat that because many people tend to steal some hours of their sleep rather than of their daily schedules. The fact that you "got used to your 5 hours of sleep" is just something that will catch up on you later (it might already have but you just don't want to admit it). Sleep at least 7 hours a day, sleep in completely dark and quiet room. It's good if you turn off your phone and it's even better to do it at least 30 minutes before going to sleep because (easily said) the light that comes from your phone, computer or TV is harmful for the hormones controlling your sleep. So give yourself half an hour a day with a book, or go prepare your meals for next day :)

This is easy to say and way harder to do. I know that, trust me. But you need to stop worrying about everything and nothing. Remember the last time you felt really stressed and down? It went by somehow eventually, right? You'll always make it through somehow and I've already found that out many times. I always felt like it's the end of the world and stressing out didn't help it. So I just went out with friends or did something else. It didn't help me solve the thing I wanted to solve but it made me feel better and everything suddenly seemed more bearable (I'm not talking about procrastination here - even though I'm a queen of procrastination - there's a difference between relaxing and procrastination)!

I'm quite sure everyone has at least 30 minutes a day to cook. You can prepare your meals ahead or you can do it before every meal, whatever works for you. But don't buy already made frozen food. Buy unprocessed food and prepare your meal out of it yourself. You'll know that there's not added sugar and many other unnecessary and unhealthy things. I'll talk more about healthy food in some of my upcoming articles...

Almost every article that seems to get a lot of attention shows untruthful information. It's sad but it's true. People want to see how to be healthy or lose weight really soon, they want to find out something new. Something that will tell them things they want to hear such as: take out sugar (red meat, gluten, fat, carbohydrates, you name it) and you'll lose weight immediately. Let's face it. You already know what you have to do (how to eat, excercise and so on) to be healthy or to lose weight. There's no shortcut, no magic pill. So ... Don't believe every article that you read... 

Can you see it? Healthy lifestyle is as simple as this! As I've mentioned above I'm going to write more articles about healthy lifestyle and weight loss to give you more detailed information. These basics, however, cover all you need to know!
And now tell me, please. Do you live healthy? How did you start or are you planning to start? Have you ever tried to lose weight? Let's motivate and support each other!


Ano! Na začátku roku 2017 jsem začala hubnout! Už jsem to vážně potřebovala jako sůl a jsem opravdu ráda, že jsem začala...

Vím, že se o hubnutí říká: Nikdo neřekl, že to bude jednoduché. To je vážně pravda! Začala jsem snad milionkrát a asi si tipnete správně, že jsem ten proces hubnutí nikdy nedotáhla dokonce... Cítím, že teď jsem připravena, ale vím, že jen čas ukáže, zda byl ten pocit správný.
Ale... žít zdravě opravdu JEDNODUCHÉ JE! Na internetu najdete mnoho článků, které jsou daleko od pravdy (chystám se psát série článků, kde bych vyvrátila a vysvětlila základní mýty, které o hubnutí kolují), ale nakonec zjistíte, že abyste žili zdravě, stačí zapojit obyčejný selský rozum!
Co byste tedy měli dělat, abyste žili zdravě?

Naše společnost je známá svým sedavým způsobem života. Každá hodina, kterou prosedíte, vašemu tělu škodí: zpomaluje váš metabolismus, ochabuje svaly, není dobrá ani pro vaši páteř, a tak dále. Sedíme ve škole, v práci, a potom sedíme doma (většina z nás). Pokud si myslíte, že tuto bilanci vyvážíte jednou hodinou ve fitku, není tomu tak (samozřejmě je to ale lepší, než nic). Většina z nás to ale může změnit! Zkuste se každých třicet minut postavit a protáhnout si celé tělo. Zabere vám to dvě minuty, ale probudí to celé vaše tělo. A je také známo, že takovéhle pauzy a protažení napomáhají vaší pracovní produktivitě...

Slyšíte to všude: spánek je velmi důležitý. Ale je potřeba to opakovat, protože většina lidí má sklon se raději obrat o spánek, než aby zkrátili svůj denní program. Skutečnost, že ,,jste si zvykli spát jen 5 hodin denně" vás za pár let dožene (nebo už vás to dohnalo, ale nechcete si to přiznat). Spěte alespoň 7 hodin denně, spěte v úplné tmě a úplném tichu. Taky je dobré, když vypnete svůj telefon, aby vás nerušil. Ještě lepší bude, když tak uděláte už 30 minut před spaním, protože (řeknu to velmi jednoduše) světlo z telefonu, počítače, nebo televize, škodí hormonům, které ovládají váš spánek. Vzdejte se tedy půlhodinu před spaním telefonu a začtěte se do knížky, nebo si jděte připravit jídlo na další den :)

Tohle se snadno řekne a těžko udělá. Věřte mi, sama to moc dobře vím. Ale opravdu byste se neměli nechat vším stresovat. Vzpomeňte si, kdy naposledy jste se cítili hodně vystresovaní? Nakonec se všechno nějak vyřešilo, nějak to přešlo, že jo? Vždycky to nějak zvládnete, sama jsem to už mnohokrát zjistila. Vždycky mám pocit, že teď už je to opravdu konec světa, a ten stres navíc mi vůbec nepomáhá něco řešit. Často jsem pak radši šla ven s kamarády, nebo šla dělat něco úplně jiného. Nepomohlo to sice mým problémům, ale pomohlo mi to od stresu, hned jsem se cítila líp a najednou jsem se i na celou situaci dívala optimističtěji (teď ale nemluvím o prokrastinaci - i když jsem královna prokrastinace - mezi prokrastinací a odpočinkem od stresu a povinností je rozdíl)!

Věřím, že všichni máme alespoň půl hodiny denně, abychom si uvařili. Můžete si jídlo připravovat do krabiček dopředu, nebo si vařit před každým jídlem zvlášť, vyberte si, co je pro vás lepší. Ale nekupujte už hotová mražená jídla. Kupujte si nezpracované potraviny a uvařte si je doma sami podle sebe. Budete pak vědět, co ve vašem jídle je, zda tam není zbytečně přidaný cukr a spousta dalších nepotřebných a nezdravých potravin. O zdravém jídle se určitě v dohledné době rozepíšu víc...

Téměř každý článek, který vypadá, jako že cílí na vysokou čtenost, není pravdivý. Je to smutné, ale je to tak. Lidé chtějí vědět, jak žít velmi snadno zdravě a jak můžou rychle zhubnout. Doufají, že najdou něco nového, převratného. Něco, co jim nejlépe řekne přesně to, co chtějí slyšet: přestaňte jíst cukr (červené maso, lepek, tuky, sacharidy, dosaďte si cokoli) a okamžitě zhubnete. Přiznejme si, že už vlastně dávno víme, co máme dělat (jak jíst, jak cvičit, atd.), abychom byli zdraví a hubli. Neexistuje žádná zkratka, žádný kouzelný prášek. Takže... Nevěřte všem článkům, které si přečtete...

Vidíte to? Žít zdravě je opravdu velmi jednoduché! Jak už jsem napsala výše, chci napsat víc podrobnějších článků o zdravém životním stylu a hubnutí, abyste si mohli přečíst detailnější informace. Těchto 5 bodů ale odhaluje ty nejzákladnější rady!
A teď mi prosím, řekněte. Žijete zdravě? Jak se vám povedlo začít? Nebo se na to teprve chystáte? Snažili jste se někdy zhubnout? Pojďme se navzájem podporovat a motivovat! :)


  1. I love to see somebody else interested in healthy lifestyle and losing weight. That should be on my top priorities in 2017 since I decided to lose about 30 pounds this year.
    I agree to motivate and support each other in achieving this goal (I mean losing weight).

  2. Definitely needed article like this, my resolution is to eat healthy so will follow this steps xo

  3. Healthy lifestyle seems to be on the hype every January haha :D great read, I should definitely stress less :D

  4. Totally agree what what you are saying, everyone wants a quick fix to get better. Sacrifice and commitment are the only ingredients!

  5. Great tips! thank you for sharing them. i agree that it is so important to keep our bodies moving.

  6. I admit I am very sedentary and I hate to exercise. But in order for me to maintain my weight, I have to eat healthy and I watch my calories. I should at least make myself stretch a few times a a day. Good reminder!

  7. Yup, I try to do those things. I always try to move around. My eating habits aren't always the best though. I like my sweets.

  8. These are great advice. Moving around more is definitely one for me. I spend so many hours at work sitting.

  9. Great tips for the new year! Cooking at home is huge, Processed and fast food and full of all sorts of hidden sugars and preservatives - it's crazy ; )

  10. Great list full of excellent tips! I wish you all the best to your journey. Have a happy and healthy 2017!

    Best, Nora /

  11. Wonderful post! Great tips, really simple rules but yet effective. Good luck on your weight loss.

  12. Love this - totally agree that cooking at home makes a huge difference for a healthy lifestyle!

  13. I wish you all the best in your journey! I wish I could pull this off by myself but I find it hard at this point since it's very hard to explain my mother that we are not eating healthy! But I hope this year I could have more strength and keep up with my goals!

  14. While #3 is not completely unavoidable, I can see how the other points are totally within my range. Eating at home can give remarkable results to a person's waistline.

  15. This is such important information for everyone to read and fully digest! I am very guilty of the sleep issue - not getting enough and looking at my phone in bed. I exercise almost every day...and eat pretty well...but the sleeping...ahhhh the sleeping! I know I would feel even better with those 8 full hours! I am committed to trying my hardest!

  16. Good tips. I need to reel in my sleeping. It has gotten away from me. I workout regularly and my diet is not that bad but drinking enough water is also something I need to practice.

  17. Great tips! I need to grab more sleep (gladly I don't installed wifi at home) because surely I would be a zombie! lol

  18. These are all great tips and can be easily achieved if you put your mind to it. I recently got into green smoothies and they seem to be a very easy way to get more healthy goods.
    Katja xxx

  19. I need to get better at all of these things. I carry too much stress.

  20. These are really good tips and I've found that cooking for myself really does make such a difference! I'll definitely be practicing these tips this year!

  21. This is so true, it's actually simple when you put your mind to it. You've just got to keep the motivation up. Great tips, thanks for sharing! Nikki x

  22. Great tips! I think making food at home and avoiding to eat outside at all times is the best thing you can ever do your body.
    xx, Kusum |

  23. Great tips! My biggest challenge will definitely be cooking at home more often. I hate cooking and live so close to convenient, precooked food.

  24. All helpful advice. There are so many fad diets out there. When it comes down to it, all of these five things are the most important!

  25. Thanks for the reminders. The cold weather keeps me on my chair too long and I need to move more

  26. I have enjoyed reading this post! I am guilty of some of the things you have mentioned, and will work on 1. Moving more 2. Sleeping. Thanks.

  27. I totally agree with all of these rules especially the sleeping hours that can give a lot of difference in our health if we had enough of it. Eating fast foods can be so bad especially the processed goods.

  28. It seems so easy, but at times it's hard to follow these simple steps! I need to start moving more that's for sure..

  29. Great tips! I have had to modify my exercise routine and I have learned that doing a couple 20 mins walk a day has been helpful with how I am productive and I can also see the difference in how I feel throughout the day. Due to different work schedules with my husband, my sleep habits has been off but I am glad that is finally changing next week. I really need to drink more water. Lately, I have been slacking on that and I am a water lover lol.

  30. I sit so much due to my work and I really feel the effects on my body. I do try to get up and move around but I probably need to do it more often than I am currently doing. I'm also not so great at getting enough sleep, too many late nights. I definitely need to make some changes to my lifestyle to improve my health this year.

  31. This is very well said. It's good to live a healthy lifestyle and you can always transition at your own pace instead of following some lousy diet that doesn't work. I love the tips!

  32. I have made some healthy lifestyle changes this year so far. I can totally feel the difference in not eating out as much.

  33. My sleeping pattern has always been a little funky. I think changing that would make me feel a heck of a lot better.

  34. These are very helpful tips! I love the idea of cooking fresh at home. Thanks for sharing.

  35. thanks for the helpful tips. i totally need them because i am working on becoming healthier

  36. Slow cookers are my best friends. Well, recently that is. I mostly just buy my own ingredients and then there it goes. And sleep! Missing out on that lately.

  37. my goal is to cook more this year. it's only the 12, but i'm doing well and have made a few dishes that are new. i can't wait to see what i'll make later in the year.

  38. I need to work on the stress part. I fall victim to that often and as a result I don't get enough sleep. These are great tips!

  39. Processed food is so easy to buy and prepare. You're right though it's full of things not good for you.

  40. This is a good tips for me, I have a tight schedule and the easy way to me is to buy a processed food it's not good on our body.

  41. These are great tips! I should also start now living a healthy lifestyle. Thanks for sharing!

    Mhaan |

  42. These are simple but amazing tips to live a healthier lifestyle. I definitely need to move more...I do sit still often working on my laptop!
