Sunday, 15 January 2017

Blogging Tips: How to Break Through Writer's Block

I've been blogging on and off since I was 12 and I definitely know what it means to have writer's block. Throughout all these years I've found some things that help me to overcome it and I'd like to share them with you!

There are several things I do when I don't feel like writing. Sometimes it takes days but there are also periods when I don't want to sit down and write anything for weeks. I found a couple of ways how to overcome this struggle but there's one thing that never helped me: forcing it. So what do I do to start writing and loving it again?

1. Don't Write
You read it right. Don't write unless you really have to. But when I say "have to" I mean your bachelor thesis or something really important. If you "just" want to publish a new article, trust me, it can wait. Your readers will rather wait for a great article than read a post that sounds forced and it's something you wrote "just to post something". Give yourself day or two (or as many you need) off and don't write. Go and do anything else you need to or want to do!

2. Read
Read a book, a magazine, anything that might inspire you. I always like to open a good book where I'd find interesting story or a well written chapter. That inspires me to write well. Other possibility is to read other blogposts. What are other people writing about and how? Maybe you'd like to write about something quite similar. This doesn't mean copying someone's article. Just borrow the idea and make it your own. 

3. Read "How to" articles
This is something that works for me every time! I just open Pinterest and start picking and reading articles that talk about how to be a good blogger, how to write good articles, how to work on your writing skills, how to impove your blog. It motivates me to work on my articles and my blog. I want to be as good as them. It also always inspires me to see how other people write and blog and it's good to learn from them. Everyone does his own thing but there's nothing wrong with learning new things that have worked for someone else. 

4. Remember your goals
Why do you write your blog? Or are you writing a book that you want to publish? So... you want to write a good and successful blog, book or anything else. Isn't that big enough motivation that you're ready to start writing right now?

When you already feel like you're through your writer's block and you finally sit down to write, here are a few tips how to work better: write in the morning to feel like you started your day productive (unless you only write in the evening), turn off your phone and don't let facebook and other things distract you, find a comfy place where you'll write regularly, take short breaks, and so on. This could be another article. Would you like to read article like that with tips about productive working?

What do you do to break your writer's block? Tell me, my tips work but maybe there are some even better ones! Or... do you actually have writer's block at all? :)


S přestávkami bloguju už od svých 12 let a tak vím, jaké to je dostat se do spisovatelského bloku. Za ty roky už jsem ale také našla způsoby, jak takový blok překonat a ráda bych se o ně s vámi podělila!

Dělám hned několik věcí, abych se spisovatelského bloku zbavila. Někdy se mi nechce psát pár dní, jindy to ale může být i pár týdnů. Už jsem zjistila, jak se toho pocitu, kdy se vám prostě hrozně nechce psát, zbavit. Jedna věc ale nepomůže opravdu nikdy: nesmím se do psaní nutit. Co tedy dělám, aby mě psaní zase bavilo?

1. Nepište
Ano, čtete správně. Nepište, pokud opravdu nemusíte. A pod pojmem musíte si představuju bakalářku nebo něco opravdu důležitého. Pokud jde ,,jen" o článek na váš blog, věřte mi, může to počkat. Věřím, že si vaši čtenáři daleko radši přečtou kvalitní a zajímavý článek než takový, ze kterého je jasně cítit, že jste se do něj museli nutit a napsali jste ho vlastně jen proto, abyste ,,něco publikovali". Den, dva (nebo prostě tolik, kolik jich potřebujete) si od psaní odpočiňte. Jděte raději dělat něco jiného, něco co dělat potřebujete nebo chcete!

2. Čtěte
Přečtěte si knížku, časopis, cokoli by vás mohlo inspirovat. Já si vždycky ráda otevřu knížku, kde si přečtu zajímavý příběh nebo dobře napsanou kapitolu. To mě inspiruje, abych sama psala lépe. Také můžete číst jiné blogy. O čem a jak ostatní píší? Možná byste chtěli psát o něčem podobném. Nemyslím tím, abyste zkopírovali něčí článek, to vůbec ne. Pouze si půjčte nápad a zpracujte ho podle svého. 

3. Čtěte články s návody
S návody jak dobře psát, jak se stát dobrým blogerem, jak psát zajímavé články. Tohle na mne funguje vždycky! Prostě si otevřu Pinterest a čtu jeden článek za druhým. Motivuje mě to, abych pracovala na svých článcích a svém blogu. Chci být taky tak dobrá, jako spousta dalších! Taky mě inspiruje když vidím, jak na svých článcích a blozích pracují ostatní. Snažím se od nich učit. Každý sice svůj blog píšeme podle svého, nikdy ale není na škodu se podívat, jak něco dělají ostatní. Často se dozvím nové a zajímavé věci, které chci hned vyzkoušet. 

4. Vzpomeňte si na své cíle
Proč ten blog píšete? Nebo snad píšete knížku, kterou chcete vydat? Chcete mít dobrý a úspěšný blog nebo vydat dobrou a úspěšnou knížku? Není to snad dostatečná motivace, abyste se hned teď pustili do práce?

No a pokud už máte pocit, že jste spisovatelský blok překonali a konečně jste si sedli a chystáte se začít psát, mám také pár tipů, co dělat, aby se vám pracovalo lépe: pište dopoledne, abyste váš den začali produktivně a cítili se lépe (pokud se vám tedy nepíše lépe večer samozřejmě :)), vypněte si mobil a nenechte se rušit ani facebookem a dalšími podobnými věcmi, najděte si pohodlné místo, kde budete většinou psát, dělejte si krátké přestávky, atd. Možná bych i tyto tipy mohla sepsat v dalším článku. Zajímalo by vás to?

Co děláte vy, abyste překonali spisovatelský blok? Napište mi to, prosím, do komentářů. Vím už sice, jak se spisovatelského bloku zbavit, ale třeba by něco mohlo fungovat ještě lépe :) Ale... míváte vlastně vůbec spisovatelský blok?


  1. These are some great tips! I usually avoid writing too during writers block, I tend to focus on stuff that has got nothing to do with writing :D surprisingly, it helps :D

  2. There are times when I can't stop my pen from scribbling. And sometimes I can go on without writing a single word for days. On those days I feel guilty for being inactive. But from now on I will not force myself to write if I don't feel like to. You are right - a good book can get me writing like crazy. :)

  3. Love this article! I couldn't agree with you anymore about posting just because. It is always good to post an article with purpose. Lovely idea!

  4. I love these tips! I struggle with writing sometimes and I find it is best just to leave it. My goal this year though is to be a bit more consistent!

  5. Thanks for these awesome tips. I don't think I'll be having writers block anytime soon!

  6. Fantastic tips, these! I have been suffering writers/photography block for the last month, so I'm just slowly trying to get myself back into it.

  7. Good tips! I usually go for reading magazines or other's posts and then the inspiration comes. But this is not the only obstacle (I mean lack of inspiration)one more hard to surpass is when I don't feel like documenting for the article.

  8. I think writing in the morning has helped me! Whenever I set aside a time to work on my blog, I never actually do it. I have to be totally on a roll that day in order to get it done, so it's just whenever I pick up my laptop and decide to do it!

  9. These are great tips. I sometimes find it hard to just sit down and start working. I get frustrated with myself. I will definitely be trying these tips out.

  10. Fantastic set of tips!. I'm a food blogger and sometimes just can't get any inspiration, and so I just chill and read until it comes!

  11. great tips and couldn't agree more, the worst thing about blogging is sometimes the writers block can come out of nowhere, I literally could be writing a post and get stumped, I tend to walk away make a coffee watch a few episodes and come back to it when I've the motivation to write it :)

  12. These are great tips, thanks for sharing them.

  13. Thank you for this recomendation, nice to put this on practice! ;)


  14. Reading is the best! Reading blogs can give you ideas for posts, reading magazines and give you inspiration! :)

    Best, Nora/

  15. Nice tips. I find a simple spin around Pinterest and I am back on track with some ideas and ready to forge forward. Or there is always the option to take a nap...

  16. It's never easy when you encounter writer's block. I think these are all helpful. Reading means finding inspiration and it will definitely help you come up with ideas.

  17. You're so right that ... if your head isn't there, you're wasting time trying to force the writing. Nice to see someone put these thoughts on paper as we're all there at different times.

  18. I definitely needed to read this. I've been battling writers block lately!

  19. These are really great tips! Whenever I get writers block I start reading other people's blogs and they usually motivate me. Taking some time off from writing is good too!

  20. These are all great suggestions!!! Reading always helps me!!! I will check out the blogs I look up to and usually my creativity will come back!

  21. some great tips and think if you asked every blogger out there we have all suffered from this at some time

  22. thanks for the tips! these are helpful. i blog 2-3x a week and It sucks when you have writers block or even if you're just not in the mood or too lazy to do anything. this week I am like this, TOtally didnt do anything social media or blog related so i turned off my laptop and just watch movies the whole week, now im back and finishing all my work. its good to rest sometimes

  23. I've had my share of writer's block and I love every single one of your tips! I agree that you cannot force yourself to write when you have one. It's betetr to rest and take inspiration.
