It has only been a week and I'm already trying many healthy recipes because I want to change my meals as many times as possible so I'm still motivated to stick to my New Year's resolutions...
I love anything brown. It means there could be chocolate in it. And I looooove chocolate. Brownies are my favourite desserts. I could eat them every day, not kidding. But now I'm trying to lose weight and brownies are usually full of sugar which wouldn't fit into my diet (don't get me wrong, I'll definitely have some later but for now I want to stick to my diet plan as much as I can). But I've heard about brownies made of avocado or red beans. So I decided to buy avocado this time (even though I don't really like it) and found the easiest recipe I could.
But that seemed too easy so I found another (still quite easy) one and combined both of them. And let me tell you, it was delicious!
Here I am with easy and quick recipe to bake healthy and delicious brownies!
* 1 avocado
* 1 (or one and a half) banana
* 1 egg
* 5 tablespoons of milled oat-flakes (or oatmeal)
* 120 grams of Dutch cocoa powder
* dash of baking powder
* You can also add small pieces of nuts, dark chocolate and 1 or 2 tea spoons of honey.
1. Mix pieces of banana and avocado and blend them.
2. Put egg, oat-flakes, Dutch cocoa and baking powder together and mix it together with that fruity mass.
3. When the mixture is smooth and mixed together you can add some honey to make your brownies sweeter. You can also add small pieces of nuts or chocolate (it's really good, trust me!).
4. Put it into the oven that you preheated up to 220 Celsius degrees.
5. Bake it for 20 minutes (brownies are done when you jab a fork into it and the dough doesn't stick to it)
That's really easy, isn't it? And I was so surprised that you don't need so much flour to make a good dough. I served it only with fruit but you can add anything, for example Greek yoghurt.
I'll definitely make this more often. It can be served as dessert but I'm definitely going to eat it as breakfast!
Have you ever tried avocado-banana brownies? Did you like it? Or do you prefer that unhealthy version? I'm actually not sure anymore! :)
I might try recipes with red beans next time...
Btw, if you want to follow what healthy meals I eat throughout the day, follow my InstaStories @mishyvavrin
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Je to teprve týden, co jím zdravě, ale už teď se snažím zkoušet a měnit spoustu receptů, protože bych nerada, aby mě ta jídla přestala bavit a já se tak vrátila k nezdravým verzím...
Miluju každé hnědé jídlo. Hnědá signalizuje, že by v něm mohla být čokoláda. A já čokoládu zbožňuju! Brownies mám proto ze všech sladkostí snad nejradši. Ale většina z nich se do zdravého jídelníčku úplně nehodí, protože toho cukru obsahují opravdu hodně. Slyšela jsem ale o zdravých verzích brownies, které se dělají z avokáda nebo z červených fazolí. Rozhodla jsem se tedy pro avokádo, aniž bych ho měla nějak ráda, a šla jsem si najít nějaký lehký recept. Jeden jsem našla. Jenže se mi zdál až podezřele lehký, a tak jsem našla ještě jeden (který ale nebyl zas o tolik těžší) a tak nějak jsem je nakombinovala. A dovolím se pochválit, protože z toho vyšly výborné brownies!
Takže tady je ten lehký a rychlý recept na výborné a zdravé brownies!
* 1 avokádo
* 1 banán (může to také být jeden a půl banánu)
* 1 vejce
* 5 polévkových lžic rozmixovaných ovesných vloček (nebo ovesné mouky)
* 120 gramů holandského kakaa
* špetka kypřícího prášku
* Můžete také přidat malé kousky ořechů, hořké čokolády či 1 až 2 lžíce medu.
1. Rozmixujte společně kousky avokáda a banánu.
2. Do této směsi přidejte zbylé ingredience (vajíčko, holandské kakao, ovesnou mouku a kypřící prášek) a smíchejte je.
3. Do dobře promíchané a hladké směsi můžete dle chuti přidat kousky ořechů či hořké čokolády (sama to můžu jedině doporučit). Dosladit brownies můžete například medem.
4. Pečte v troubě předehřáté na 220 stupňů.
5. Pečte přibližně 20 minut (brownies jsou hotové, když se vám nelepí na vidličku).
Tak to je vážně lehký, co? Sama jsem byla překvapená, že ani nepotřebuju moc mouky, abych namíchala dobré těsto. Brownies jsem si dala jen s ovocem, ale přidat si k nim můžete prakticky cokoli (třeba řecký jogurt). Já si je takto určitě upeču znovu.
A co vy, už jste někdy podobný recept zkusili? Chutnalo vám? Nebo máte raději tu nezdravou verzi? Já si teď už nejsem tak jistá :)
Příště možná zkusím najít i nějaký recept, kde se brownies dělají z červených fazolí...
PS: pokud vás zajímá, co zdravého přes den jím, mrkněte na moje InstaStories @mishyvavrin
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Může se vám také líbit: 5 jednoduchých pravidel, které byste měli dodržovat, abyste žili zdravým životním stylem
Myslíš, že by to šlo aj bez vajíčka vo vegan verzii?
Přiznám se, že nevím, čím se ve veganské kuchyni nahrazuje vajíčko, a tak ti moc asi neporadím. Ale vláčné je to i bez vajíčka právě díky avokádu. Věřím, že by to tedy bez toho šlo :))
Deletejéé to vypadá dobře... nenáročný recept.. šlo to avokádo hodně cítit v chuti? mc ho nemusím .. :D
ReplyDeleteSama avokádo nemám ráda, ale tady jsem ho vůbec nepoznala :))
DeleteI've come across a lot of dessert recipes lately that use avocado. I never would had put avocado in a dessert, but now I desperately need to try it!
ReplyDeleteI will have to send this to my sister to make for me :)
ReplyDeleteThese sound really tasty! I love that you used avocado in there!
ReplyDeleteHow long do these keep on the counter and/or in the fridge? I've made recipes with avocados, but they seem to not last as long as other products.
ReplyDeleteI've never heard of this recipe and I can't wait to make these!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing <3
As a vegetarian I eat a lot of avocado as a source of protein, so I love that this is a little different from the usual ways of eating it! I've never been known to be a very skilled baker, but these are so simple i might have to give them a try!
Wow, they look yummy and such a healthy alternative! Def giving these a try! Nikki x
They look amazingly delicious! I would adore to give these a try <3
ReplyDeleteI am always into a healthy snack.I never tried the Avocado and Banana mixed up and I am not quite sure of the taste but I will take it from you. I am gonna have this for breakfast.
ReplyDeleteI'll admit I never thought of avocado in my brownies, but always open to trying something new.
ReplyDeleteOh yum! I'll have to try this. I love my brownies!
ReplyDeletebig eyes of mine reading the title, both of my faves in dessert is a really good idea. thanks for the recipe will try this on the wekeend. this two banan and avocado are a must in my house everyday
ReplyDeleteMmm this sounds really good! I think it might make a good base for a cashew cheesecake too if you left out the raising agent. Yum!
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness! This is really looks good and fantastic! I would love to make it on my breakfast.
ReplyDeleteI always love finding healthy recipe versions of other things that I like to eat! I can't wait to try this one!
YouTube videos have now become my absolute go-to when I want to find out how to do something or learn something, even learning Japanese! it's an amazing resource.
This looks absolutely delicious! Will join my recipes must-try-note :) I once made like a chocolate mousse with avocado before, so I can imagine this one well..
ReplyDeleteA very interesting recipe! As a chef, I can just imagine the creaminess that the avocado will impart into the brownie batter. Great job for sticking to your resolutions.
ReplyDeleteThis combinations looks terrific! I have never mixed ingredients so different in flavor like there 2 but I guess I should try! "MaryAnne"
ReplyDeleteWow. A brownie recipe that does not use flour. I am saving this recipe and sharing it with my sister too. I am sure this is going to be delicious!
ReplyDeleteMy family will love this one for the weekend. I'm going to ask my mom to come over , so she can also help me to make one.
ReplyDeleteLooks yummy and sounds healthy. I'm wondering if you could taste the avocado at all. I love brownies too! - Natasha
ReplyDeleteNo, or at least I can't taste it at all (and I don't like avocado) :))
DeleteThis brownies looks so tempting and delicious! Thanks for sharing the recipe with us!
ReplyDeleteI love using healthy ingredients in baked goods! This looks super yummy and is perfect for people trying to eat better in the new year.
ReplyDeleteBrownies are one of those things I can never get enough of. I love the idea of creating them in a healthy way. I will have to try this.
ReplyDeleteI use avocado and banana mashed as spread on my bread but never thought of making brownies with them. Genius
ReplyDeleteOh yum this look amazing! I need to try this out. xx
ReplyDeleteThis is the first time that I heard about this recipe and it really looks good.
ReplyDeleteI do love anything brown and I love anything that is done using Avocado being one of my favorite fruit. These brownies looks absolutely delicious and my kids are going to love this recipe right away!
ReplyDeleteThis looks truly amazing! So delicious :)
ReplyDeletexx, rebecca
These look amazing and I truly believe with Avocado and Banana that these are healthy :-) I will definitely try making these.
ReplyDeleteOoh these sounds delicious. Super healthy and a great way to get a chocolate fix without eating anything naughty!
ReplyDeleteTwo of our favorite fruit in a brownie, my day just got better. :) It looks so yum. We are definitely planning to use this recipe. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteAvocado and banana...interesting combination.
ReplyDeleteThis looks delicious. I like the avocado-banana mix. I also like that it's easy to make.
ReplyDeleteThis is a lovely alternative to your usual loaded brownies. It's easy to make as well, which makes it a complete winner in my book.
ReplyDeleteNo tak to musím rozhodně vyzkoušet, zní to lehce a vypadá skvěle:))
ReplyDeleteTak tohle vypadá naprosto skvěle a jednoduše. Určitě vyzkouším. Díky za tip. :)