I can see that you like my interviews with people who lived or live abroad so I'm here with another one, interesting one! And I might be even happier because this time it's an interview with Czech girl who's already lived abroad twice and loved it :)
Hi Katerina! You're currently living in the Netherlends but before we get to that I'd like to ask you about the UK because you spent half a year there. Where exactly were you and why did you move there?
People often want something new and I was looking for new experiences and I wanted to find my boundaries. I spent one semester as an exchange student at the university in Bristol. Bristol is an amazing student city in southwest England. The UK is a great place for life I just need to forget the well known windy British weather that I couldn't get used to. I traveled a lot while I lived in the UK. I love their architecture, brick houses, old British pubs as well as wild countryside that looks like from Emily Brontë's or Daphne du Maurier's novels.
How did you enjoy the first half a year abroad? Did you miss something (maybe something typical Czech)?
Of course I missed my friends, family and my boyfriend from the Czech Republic but I compensated it with new experiences. Everything was new and time went by a bit differently. I started thinking whether all of it was just a dream when I was about to leave back home. The hardest part could be the first week when I truly realised that I'm all alone in foreign country - I rented a room in a flat of real estate broker with whom I didn't really get along. However, later I met amazing people and I realised that everyone goes through this struggle. And did I miss something that's typical Czech? If you mean food then I have to say I missed Czech bread, the one with hard crust that I couldn't find in the UK and in the Netherlands as well. But I don't really need Czech cuisine so that wasn't a problem for me. Of course I missed Czech prizes because everything is really expensive for Czechs in the UK.
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I was fascinated by the wild English nature. Cornwall. |
Was it hard to find friends in the UK? What are the differences between Czech and British people and are there any similarities?
I was meeting mostly with international students like me so I found friends from all over the world - France, Italy, Spain, China, Japan.
Brits are always willing to help. On the other hand, sometimes they seem like they don't say exactly what they mean but they're just trying to be polite. They don't want to offend you and it was hard for me to find the fine line sometimes. I prefer to put things straightforward without trying to make it sound nicer which is what Brits sometimes do.
How did you feel after coming back home? My Erasmus experience made me see many things differently, did you feel the same?
Life abroad gives you one important experience which is view from the outside. It's interesting to see how other nations see your small country and it's also interesting to find differences between other cultures and to try something new. You get to broaden your horizons, meet many new amazing people and realise the possibilities traveling offers while living abroad. I had traveled a lot before I moved abroad but it's something completely different than living somewhere. It also taught me many things about myself. Now I know that I can rely on myself, take care of myself and manage to go through hard times. I also started to see my own personality better because while living abroad you're torn out of your own comfort zone and you build completely new life. It's important to surround yourself with the right people because they're the ones who make the real experience out of your life abroad. I was lucky when it comes to this because I met many amazing people. I also found out that my whole life (the materialistic side of it) fits into one quite small suitcase.
Did your stay in the UK affect you in a way that you wanted to move abroad again, this time to the Netherlands? Why didn't you go back to the UK and why did you chose Holland?
Forgive me but I have to answer with a question again. Do you know that feeling when you visit one place and it drags you closer somehow and you just can't stop being fascinated by it? It's similar to falling in love, at the beginning you're falling deeper and deeper every day. That's how I felt the first time I visited Amsterdam a few years ago and I decided that I'll go back one day. I definitely want to visit the UK again one day but I didn't even consider moving there again. It's an amazing country but I wanted to try something new. What's more, I had this Dutch dream even before I lived in the UK so it just had to happen one day.
Was it harder in the UK or in the Netherlands at the beginning?
That's hard to say. Everything was new for me when I moved to the UK. I wasn't used to speaking a foreign language etc. I was more experienced when I was moving to the Netherlands. But the beginning in the Netherlands was maybe harder because I went without any preparation and I had no accomodation so I lived in a really bad hostel with 30 snoring people in one room and I was checking places where I could live. But I was lucky again because I quickly found great housing right in the middle of the city on a small island in the Maas river.
Can you speak Dutch? People here in the Czech Republic call this language "grunting" but I quite like it so I defend it everywhere I go.
You're one of a few :) I like the language as well but unfortunately I only know the basics. The problem/advantage in the Netherlands is that everyone speaks English, even a 70yo lady in a shop does. It's nice because you'll always be able to talk to someone but it doesn't force you to learn Dutch. I thought that I'd get more into learning Dutch but that didn't happen unfortunately. Right now I'm trying to read Dutch book for young children so there's going to be at least some small improvement :)
And how would you describe Dutchmen? I really liked your article (5 Things You Might Not Know about Dutchmen) because I know some people from the Netherlands and what you wrote seems true to me. I know we shouldn't generalise but how do you see people from Holland? I always had one word in my mind: loud...
I see Spaniards or Italians when you say loud. I also don't like to generalise but some of Dutch people are even proud of what people say about them. First of all, Dutch people are really friendly and I like them more than Brits because they're really open and they speak of themselves as about people who always say what they think. Moreover, I think that they're good with design and art even though it's hard to tell whether they're better at this than other nations. And they're also really tall which is good when it comes to men but it scares me a bit with women :)
You're about to go back to the Czech Republic soon, are you planning to move somewhere else again? What do your friends and family think about your life abroad?
My family and my friends supported me just like my boyfriend did. He stayed with me through both of my stays abroad even though it wasn't easy sometimes. There are many ways how to stay in touch nowadays but webcam isn't the same as living together and enjoying time together.
The problem with traveling is that it's very addictive. So I'm alreay thinking about new places I'd like to visit. But now I'm planning to stay at home in the Czech Republic for a while and I'll only travel abroad for short trips. We came up with an interesting project with my boyfriend, we want to travel around our beautiful country and I like it because I can't wait to spend and enjoy time in the Czech Republic. But I don't want to talk about it just yet because it's just an idea now. My biggest dream is to make a long trip to visit all of my friends around the world.
Many people are afraid to move abroad because there's a lot of stuff to arrange at the beginning. Have you ever had any problems with bureaucracy? Was it worse to settle in the UK or in the Netherlands?
It was quite the same in both countries. You can't avoid the necessary bureaucracy but there are always people who can help you with it.
Would you like to say something to people who'd like to try to live abroad but they're still hesitating?
There's no need to be afraid because that won't help you. I think that the only thing you should invest into in life are experiences because none can take them from you. So don't be afraid to dive in because there's no better time to stop dreaming and start living your life than today?
Thank you so much for this interview, Katerina. I'm really looking forward to reading your upcoming articles about life in the Netherlands :)
And you should go and check Katka's blog, Facebook and Instagram so you can learn more about Katka and her life!
I was meeting mostly with international students like me so I found friends from all over the world - France, Italy, Spain, China, Japan.
Brits are always willing to help. On the other hand, sometimes they seem like they don't say exactly what they mean but they're just trying to be polite. They don't want to offend you and it was hard for me to find the fine line sometimes. I prefer to put things straightforward without trying to make it sound nicer which is what Brits sometimes do.
How did you feel after coming back home? My Erasmus experience made me see many things differently, did you feel the same?
Life abroad gives you one important experience which is view from the outside. It's interesting to see how other nations see your small country and it's also interesting to find differences between other cultures and to try something new. You get to broaden your horizons, meet many new amazing people and realise the possibilities traveling offers while living abroad. I had traveled a lot before I moved abroad but it's something completely different than living somewhere. It also taught me many things about myself. Now I know that I can rely on myself, take care of myself and manage to go through hard times. I also started to see my own personality better because while living abroad you're torn out of your own comfort zone and you build completely new life. It's important to surround yourself with the right people because they're the ones who make the real experience out of your life abroad. I was lucky when it comes to this because I met many amazing people. I also found out that my whole life (the materialistic side of it) fits into one quite small suitcase.
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Typical Dutch panorama with endless flatland and windmills. De Zaanse Schans, the Netherlands. |
Forgive me but I have to answer with a question again. Do you know that feeling when you visit one place and it drags you closer somehow and you just can't stop being fascinated by it? It's similar to falling in love, at the beginning you're falling deeper and deeper every day. That's how I felt the first time I visited Amsterdam a few years ago and I decided that I'll go back one day. I definitely want to visit the UK again one day but I didn't even consider moving there again. It's an amazing country but I wanted to try something new. What's more, I had this Dutch dream even before I lived in the UK so it just had to happen one day.
Was it harder in the UK or in the Netherlands at the beginning?
That's hard to say. Everything was new for me when I moved to the UK. I wasn't used to speaking a foreign language etc. I was more experienced when I was moving to the Netherlands. But the beginning in the Netherlands was maybe harder because I went without any preparation and I had no accomodation so I lived in a really bad hostel with 30 snoring people in one room and I was checking places where I could live. But I was lucky again because I quickly found great housing right in the middle of the city on a small island in the Maas river.
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Rotterdam was destroyed during the war so it's now known for its modern architecture. Oudehaven (which literally means Old harbour) is one of the few places with history. |
You're one of a few :) I like the language as well but unfortunately I only know the basics. The problem/advantage in the Netherlands is that everyone speaks English, even a 70yo lady in a shop does. It's nice because you'll always be able to talk to someone but it doesn't force you to learn Dutch. I thought that I'd get more into learning Dutch but that didn't happen unfortunately. Right now I'm trying to read Dutch book for young children so there's going to be at least some small improvement :)
And how would you describe Dutchmen? I really liked your article (5 Things You Might Not Know about Dutchmen) because I know some people from the Netherlands and what you wrote seems true to me. I know we shouldn't generalise but how do you see people from Holland? I always had one word in my mind: loud...
I see Spaniards or Italians when you say loud. I also don't like to generalise but some of Dutch people are even proud of what people say about them. First of all, Dutch people are really friendly and I like them more than Brits because they're really open and they speak of themselves as about people who always say what they think. Moreover, I think that they're good with design and art even though it's hard to tell whether they're better at this than other nations. And they're also really tall which is good when it comes to men but it scares me a bit with women :)
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Rotterdam is the biggest harbour in Europe. This picture was taken on the top board of boat SS Rotterdam. |
My family and my friends supported me just like my boyfriend did. He stayed with me through both of my stays abroad even though it wasn't easy sometimes. There are many ways how to stay in touch nowadays but webcam isn't the same as living together and enjoying time together.
The problem with traveling is that it's very addictive. So I'm alreay thinking about new places I'd like to visit. But now I'm planning to stay at home in the Czech Republic for a while and I'll only travel abroad for short trips. We came up with an interesting project with my boyfriend, we want to travel around our beautiful country and I like it because I can't wait to spend and enjoy time in the Czech Republic. But I don't want to talk about it just yet because it's just an idea now. My biggest dream is to make a long trip to visit all of my friends around the world.
Many people are afraid to move abroad because there's a lot of stuff to arrange at the beginning. Have you ever had any problems with bureaucracy? Was it worse to settle in the UK or in the Netherlands?
It was quite the same in both countries. You can't avoid the necessary bureaucracy but there are always people who can help you with it.
Would you like to say something to people who'd like to try to live abroad but they're still hesitating?
There's no need to be afraid because that won't help you. I think that the only thing you should invest into in life are experiences because none can take them from you. So don't be afraid to dive in because there's no better time to stop dreaming and start living your life than today?
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Beach Sheveningen, Den Haag, the Netherlands. |
And you should go and check Katka's blog, Facebook and Instagram so you can learn more about Katka and her life!
You might also like other interview: Cristina Travels the World with Her Husband or Katie - from the US to Europe
Vidím, že se vám moje rozhovory s lidmi, kteří žili nebo žijí v zahraničí, líbí, a tak jsem tu s dalším. Tentokrát z něj mám snad ještě větší radost, protože jde o rozhovor s Češkou, která už v cizině žila dvakrát a líbilo se jí to :)
Člověk často lační po něčem novém a já hledala hlavně nové zážitky a svoje hranice. Studovala jsem jeden semestr na univerzitě v Bristolu jako výměnný student. Bristol je úžasné studentské město na jihozápadě Anglie. Když nepočítám pověstné britské počasí, se kterým jsem se těžko smiřovala, Británie je skvělé místo pro život. Hodně jsem tam cestovala. Miluju jejich architekturu, cihlové domy, staré britské hospody, ale i divokou venkovskou krajinu jak z románů Emily Brontë nebo Daphne du Maurier.
Jak jsi první půl rok v cizině prožívala? Chybělo ti něco (třeba něco typicky českého)?
Chyběli mi samozřejmě moje přátelé z Česka, rodina a můj přítel, ale kompenzovala jsem si to těmi všemi novými zážitky. Všechno bylo nové a čas utíkal tak trochu jinak. Až na konci, když jsem měla odjíždět zpět domů, jsem si říkala, jestli se mi to všechno jen nezdálo. Nejtěžší byl asi první týden, kdy jsem si až moc uvědomovala, že jsem úplně sama v cizí zemi a v cizím bytě – měla jsem pronajatý pokojík v bytě u jednoho realitního makléře, se kterým jsme si ne úplně sedli. Později jsem ale poznala skvělé lidi a uvědomila jsem si, že to co já na začátku prožívá každý. Jestli mi chybělo něco typicky českého? Pokud myslíš z jídla, tak mě napadá klasický český chleba s tvrdou kůrkou, protože ten v Británii (a ani v Holandsku) neznají. Co se české kuchyně týče, na tu já si moc nepotrpím, takže s tím jsem neměla problém. Chyběly mi samozřejmě české ceny, protože v Británii je pro Čecha obzvlášť draho.
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Fascinace divokou anglickou krajinou. Cornwall. |
Bylo těžké najít si v Británii přátelé? V čem jsou Češi od Britů odlišní a v čem naopak stejní?
Stýkala jsem se tam spíš se zahraničními studenty, jako jsem byla já, takže jsem měla přátele z celého světa – z Francie, Itálie, Španělska, Číny, Japonska.
Britové jsou vždy ochotní pomoci. Na druhou stranu mi přišlo, že někdy neříkají věci, jak si je úplně myslí, ale spíš se jen snaží být zdvořilí, neurazit a někdy pro mě bylo těžké najít tu skutečnou hranici. Upřednostňuju jednání na rovinu, bez zbytečných okolků a pukrlátek, jež mají Britové někdy ve zvyku.
Jak ses cítila po návratů domů? Ze své erasmácké zkušenosti vím, že jsem na spoustu věcí najednou nahlížela jinak, měla jsi to podobně?
Život v cizině člověku dá jednu moc důležitou zkušenost, a tou je pohled zvenčí. Je zajímavé zjišťovat, jak naši malou zemi vidí ostatní národy a stejně tak mě baví sledovat rozdíly mezi různými kulturami a zkoušet něco nového. Člověk si během života v cizině rozšíří obzory, pozná spoustu nových a úžasných lidí, uvědomí si všechny ty možnosti, které cestování nabízí. Cestovala jsem dost i předtím, ale to je něco jiného, než někde skutečně žít. Naučilo mě to i spoustu věcí o mě samotné. Po těch zkušenostech už třeba vím, že se sama na sebe můžu absolutně spolehnout, postarat se o sebe a poradit si i v těžkých chvílích. Stejně tak si člověk lépe začne uvědomovat svou vlastní osobnost, protože se vytrhne ze své komfortní zóny a vybuduje si v cizině od základů nový svět. Důležité je ale hlavně obklopovat se těmi správnými lidmi, protože ti tvoří ten výsledný zážitek a dojem z bydlení v cizině. Já jsem v tomhle měla opravdu hodně velké štěstí, protože jsem poznala plno úžasných lidí. Zjistila jsem také to, že se celý můj život (po té materialistické stránce) vejde do jednoho, ne moc velkého, kufru.
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Typické holandské panorama, nekončící rovina a větrné mlýny. De Zaanse Schans, Holandsko. |
Měl právě tvůj pobyt v UK nějaký vliv na to, že ses rozhodla vycestovat znovu, tentokrát do Holandska? Proč ses nevrátila do Británie? A proč sis tedy vybrala právě Holandsko?
Odpust mi to, ale odpovím opět otázkou. Znáš ten pocit, když přijedeš na nějaké místo a ono tě tak nějak magneticky přitahuje a nepřestává okouzlovat? Něco jako když máš novou známost a každý den se cítíš ještě zamilovanější než den předtím? Tak jsem se cítila, když jsem poprvé před pár lety navštívila Amsterdam a rozhodla jsem se, že se do Holandska jednou vrátím. Do Británie se určitě někdy chci znovu podívat, ale neuvažovala jsem o tom, že bych tam šla znovu bydlet. Je to skvělá země, ale chtěla jsem zkusit zase něco jiného. Navíc ten můj holandský sen jsem měla ještě předtím, než jsem žila v Anglii, takže to muselo jednou přijít.
Kde byly začátky těžší, v Británii nebo v Holandsku?
Těžko říct. Když jsem se odstěhovala do Británie, tak to pro mě bylo všechno nové, nebyla jsem zvyklá mluvit cizím jazykem apod. Když jsem se stěhovala do Holandska, měla jsem už předchozí zkušenosti, tak jsem byla v mnoha věcech ostřílenější. V Holandsku byly možná těžší začátky v tom, že jsem jela tak trochu na blind a neměla jsem žádné ubytování. Na začátku jsem tedy bydlela v dost zoufalém hostelu se třiceti chrápajícími lidmi na pokoji a chodila po prohlídkách. Opět jsem ale měla štěstí a hodně brzo našla parádní bydlení, přímo uprostřed města na malém ostrově na řece Máze.
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Rotterdam byl za války celý vybombardován, proto se město pyšní především moderní architekturou. Oudehaven (doslova Starý přístav) je jedno z mála míst s historií. |
Umíš holandsky? Tady se holandštině říká "chrochtání", ale mně se docela líbí, takže ji bráním, kde se dá.
To jsi jedna z mála. :) Taky ten jazyk mám ráda, ale bohužel umím jen úplně základy. V Holandsku je ten problém/výhoda, že všichni umí plynule anglicky, a to i třeba sedmdesátiletá paní v papírnictví. Je sice fajn, že člověk se vždy domluví, ale nedonutí ho to se skutečně učit místní jazyk. Myslela jsem, že se holandštině budu věnovat víc, ale bohužel se mi to moc nepodařilo. Teď se pokouším číst knížku asi tak pro sedmileté holandské děti, tak aspoň nějaké malé pokroky snad budou. :)
A jací jsou podle tebe Holanďané? Moc se mi líbil tvůj článek (5 věcí, co jste možná nevěděli o Holanďanech), který mě opravdu pobavil, nejen proto, že nějaké Holanďany už znám a to co jsi napsala je vážně pravda. Zobecňovat se nemá, ale přesto, jak na tebe ještě Holanďané působí? Mě vždycky napadne přívlastek "hlasití"...
Když řekneš hlasití, tak mě napadnou spíš Španělé nebo Italové. Také nemám ráda zobecňování, ale oni na to někteří jsou i patřičně hrdí. Holanďané jsou podle mě hlavně hodně přátelští, mě osobně jsou i bližší než Britové, protože jsou hodně otevření a oni sami o sobě tvrdí, že vždy upřímně říkají, co si myslí. Navíc mi přijde, že mají hodně cit pro design a umění, i když těžko soudit, jestli více než jiné národy, ale na mě zatím tak působili. Co se vizuální stránky týče, Holanďané jsou opravdu všichni hrozně vysocí, což mi u mužů imponuje, ale u žen trochu děsí. :)
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Rotterdam je největším přístavem Evropy. Záběr z kavárny na horní palubě lodi SS Rotterdam. |
Brzy se chystáš zpět do České republiky, plánuješ zase odcestovat do nějaké další země? Co na tvůj život v zahraničí říká rodina a kamarádi?
Rodina i kamarádi mě ve všem velice podpořili, stejně tak můj přítel, který se mnou vydržel a přetrpěl oba zahraniční pobyty, i když to často nebylo jednoduché. Samozřejmě v dnešní době máme spoustu možností, jak komunikovat, ale webová kamera nenahradí skutečný společný život a prožívání společných zážitků, takže vztah na dálku opravdu není jednoduchý.
Problém cestování je ten, že je vysoce návykové, tak už vymýšlím, kam bych se zas chtěl podívat. Teď se ale budu zase chvíli držet v ČR a budu vyjíždět jen na dovolené. S přítelem máme vymyšlený takový projekt spojený pro změnu s cestováním po naší krásné zemi, což se mi hodí, protože si ráda užiji zase Česko. Ale o tom nechci moc mluvit, protože je to všechno zatím jen ve fázi nápadu. Můj největší sen je podniknout hodně dlouhý výlet, během kterého bych navštívila všechny své přátelé po celém světě.
Mnoho lidí se bojí odstěhovat se do zahraničí, protože je s tím hlavně na začátku spojeno hodně papírování. Zažila jsi sama nějaké problémy, co se byrokracie týče? Případně kde byly začátky horší (ubytování, papírování,...), v Británii nebo v Holandsku?
V obou zemích to v tomto ohledu bylo více méně stejné, byrokracii se člověk nevyhne nikde, ale vždycky se najdou lidé, kteří dokážou na začátku poradit, co a jak je třeba udělat.
Chtěla bys něco vzkázat lidem, kteří by to v zahraničí rádi sami zkusili, ale stále se toho bojí?
Není třeba se bát, protože strach člověka nikdy nikam neposune. Myslím, že jediné do čeho se v životě opravdu vyplatí investovat, jsou zážitky a zkušenosti, protože ty vám nikdy nikdo nevezme. Proto se nebojte do toho skočit po hlavě, protože kdy jindy je ten správný čas přestat snít a začít žít svůj život, když ne dnes?
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Pláž Scheveningen, Den Haag, Holandsko. |
Kačko, moc ti děkuju za rozhovor a těším se na další články, které o životě v Holandsku napíšeš :)
Loved this interview. I especially loved the outsider view of what it's like to be an exchange student/foreigner in the UK, especially the south west! As someone who has lived here all my life I'd never have considered some of the things beautiful; they're things I've taken advantage of, and I'm realizing now that maybe I shouldn't have!
ReplyDeleteLovely interview. As an Italian currently living in Uk I can relate to many of the things mentioned in your article. And well said - invest in experiences rather than things - those are the ones that really matter.
ReplyDeleteIt reminded me when I did my Erasmus in Birmingham!! I used to stay mainly with international people and not so much with Brits (unfortunately). Nice interview!
ReplyDeletexo, Margot
I love how she says not to be afraid of moving. One needs to just go for it.
ReplyDeleteLiving abroad was one of my unforgettable experience, this interview reminded me so much of my own abroad story.
ReplyDeleteThe pictures are amazing.
I love these insights into different peoples lives! This girl seems utterly fearless - it's great. I lived abroad in Paris for a year and would thoroughly recommend it!
ReplyDeleteYour trip sounds like it was so amazing, and by the photo's I can see it was. Glad you had a great time!
ReplyDeleteIt is so amazing how she sees this life. For her is a journey full of beautiful things.
ReplyDeleteOh I do there is a moment where the fact that you are so far from home hits you like a ton of bricks. Still you found so many wonderful new experiences! Yay!
ReplyDeleteMy brother lived in the Netherlands for almost a year. He LOVED it!
I have tons of friends from the UK.
Two places I too would love to visit.
What great photos and a fun interview. It's always hard to live other places, but I love the experiences. My husband is in the military and we've lived all over.
ReplyDeleteWhat fun seeing a foreign country through someone else's eyes, someone who isn't there as a tourist for a few days/weeks. It reminded me of when my boys were little & we had au pairs.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great interview. She definitely brings out the beauty in which she lives.
ReplyDeletethose are great photos! makes me want to go there to see it for myself... I had a good friend that was a foreign exchange student from Brazil visiting MN in the USA... We learned a lot about each other! Nice interview.
ReplyDeleteIt is very true that there is no harm in trying. Don't be afraid because there is still a lot of good people around. Just pray for it and ask not to find some mean people.
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed this interview with Katerina. She has a great outlook on life and some great experiences to share.
ReplyDeleteOh what a nice interview! I think it's awesome to be able to live in a country for a year and experience their culture and see the places that they're proud of. I loved reading about the things that she learned, the differences, and more.
ReplyDeleteThis is really refreshingly interesting!!! I do enjoy an interview and it's great to hear this perspective. Thx!
ReplyDeleteAww I loved this! It reminded me of when I was a student studying abroad :)
ReplyDeleteI love reading through this post. I had to live abroad for two years because of a job opportunity and I guess I can see myself in Katerina. Moving house is difficult, and moving to a different country is even more difficult.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful photos! I would love to travel the world one day.
ReplyDeleteThis looks beautiful. What a great experience, thanks for sharing it.
ReplyDeleteSounds like you had a great experience there and I want to travel more this year
ReplyDeleteIf I could go back in time, I would totally have traveled more when it was just myself. Now that I have a son, we travel but not like I want. One day. I just need to work harder on getting myself to that point
ReplyDeleteSounds like an wonderful interview on sharing the experience of someone who has lived abroad earlier. I admire how she accepts that life abroad gives a different experience and she sounds really inspiring on taking the life in a positive note!
ReplyDeleteI am the afraid to do it type. I can live vicariously through others though. Also, This looks like a gorgeous place to live.
ReplyDeleteSuch an awesome experience! Living outside your comfort zone needs a lot of courage and i'm happy to see you achieved it!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great interview! I would love to have ad the opportunity before I settled down to have done a lot of traveling! I'm hoping I can encourage my kids to travel before settling down.
ReplyDeleteSuper, super fotky :) Máš krásný blog!!
ReplyDeleteEjnets in Lisboa
Ah I've enjoyed reading this - I'm Czech and live in the UK but have spent half a year in the Netherlands - so quite the other way round! I think Dutch people are the friendliest ever, they are my favourite nationality, together with Estonians:) So lovely to find a Czech blogger writing in English, well done you:) x
ReplyDeleteThis is particularly critical given the inexorably multi-social nature of both best essays the United States and most real household and outside organizations.