Last time when I told you about this project I came up with, many of you were excited to read more about people living abroad. And after I got the first answers from Katie I promise you that you'll love these interviews because all these people have many interesting things to tell you!
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Hi! I thought it would be perfect to start my series of interviews with you since you now live abroad but you live in Prague (which is home for me :)). But it wasn't just Prague, am I right? Could you please introduce yourself to my readers and also tell us where have you lived so far?
It’s true! I first lived abroad for a semester in Aix-en-Provence, France in 2011. Afterwards, I went back to the US to finish my degree, and then I moved for one year to Cardiff, Wales. My bachelor’s degree is in Theatre with a focus in Production and Design, but after I studied abroad the first time, I realized that I was much more interested in cultural studies and international education, so I made a dedicated career change. I did my master’s degree in European Studies with a focus in Culture and Ideology, and eventually accepted a job offer to work at a highly-respected Czech university in Prague. Full time, I work as a program administration for international students while they’re studying abroad in Prague. In my spare time, I travel as much as I can, and run my travel blog- Study Hard Travel Smart. My blog was initially meant for friends and family to keep up with my travels, but it eventually turned into a much wider community which I absolutely love! The blog now focuses on culturally immersive travel and study abroad, but also has my musings about expat living, living in Prague, culture, travel, etc.

What was the first reason for moving abroad? Was it something you wanted to do for a long time?
My undergraduate university required all students to have a “cross cultural experience” of at least 14 days. I wanted to make my experience as long as possible, so I went for an entire semester. I had always wanted to travel back to Aix-en-Provence after visiting for just a day several years earlier, so the program was perfect for me. After I got my first taste of living abroad in Aix, I knew that it was something I wanted to do much more of!