We've all been at the point when we wanted to start eating healthy but we didn't know what food should we buy. We went shopping, bought what we thought is enough and when we came back and started browsing through hundreds and hundreds of healthy recipes, we found out that we always miss at least half of the ingredients...
I get you, I know this struggle too well. But the more I learn about healthy eating the more I see that I actually need just a couple of basic foods to get me through the whole day. A healthy lifestyle is actually quite easy to follow...
Don't buy processed food. Buy basic food and make your own meal out of it. Forget about all the supplements you see on the internet, it's not necessary to buy expensive proteins to be healthy. Forget about 99% of fitness, protein or müsli bars because they're not healthy! The fact that you see every fit girl on Instagram eating them doesn't mean it's actually healthy. So again, focus on basic food because you can make everything you need out of it...