Tuesday, 21 March 2017

RECIPE: Healthy Chocolate Peanut Butter Muffins (made with avocado)

I've fallen in love with healthy baking so I'm now trying every healthy recipe that I find. I usually change it a bit and this time it all worked out well so I wanted to share this delicious recipe with you!


These muffins are easy and quick so they're perfect if you're craving something tasty right now because you'll have delicious muffins ready in half an hour! Sounds perfect, right? Let's get into it!

Thursday, 16 March 2017

Shopping Guide: Ultimate Grocery List - What to Buy When You Want to Eat Healthy

We've all been at the point when we wanted to start eating healthy but we didn't know what food should we buy. We went shopping, bought what we thought is enough and when we came back and started browsing through hundreds and hundreds of healthy recipes, we found out that we always miss at least half of the ingredients...


I get you, I know this struggle too well. But the more I learn about healthy eating the more I see that I actually need just a couple of basic foods to get me through the whole day. A healthy lifestyle is actually quite easy to follow...

Don't buy processed food. Buy basic food and make your own meal out of it. Forget about all the supplements you see on the internet, it's not necessary to buy expensive proteins to be healthy. Forget about 99% of fitness, protein or müsli bars because they're not healthy! The fact that you see every fit girl on Instagram eating them doesn't mean it's actually healthy. So again, focus on basic food because you can make everything you need out of it...

Saturday, 11 March 2017

The Most Important Thing No One Tells You About Studying Abroad

I already told you 10 reasons to study abroad but I realised I forgot to mention the most important thing about studying abroad. This might actually make you doubt whether you should go on an exchange... 

The thing no one will mention before you go studying abroad is that you'll miss it when you're back home. 
You'll miss it a lot!

I wrote an article named When you miss your second home where I talk about missing Gothenburg. Now, 4 months later, I still feel the same. But my post That feeling after coming home from living abroad speaks more about what I want to talk about today.

Sunday, 5 March 2017

Life with Eating Disorders and Self-hatred 2/2: How to Get Rid of Eating Disorders and Self-hatred

Everyone knows eating disorders even though there's no exact diagnosis and there's no cure for them. It's not easy to get rid of eating disorders but it's not impossible as well. Today I'm going to tell you how I managed to do it and I hope this advice might help you to deal with it as well!


I told you my story in the last post. I told you how I started having problems and lived with eating disorders and self-hatred. The last thing I mentioned was that I moved from a small town to Prague and that's when I realised that my feelings aren't right. I knew I needed to change that!

Before I'm going to tell you what I did to get rid of eating disorders and bad feelings about myself, I want to remind you that if you met me now, you wouldn't call me skinny. I fought with food till I was nineteen and even after this point I didn't eat well. I focused more on my mind which is more important in this case. But if you read some of my last articles you know I'm now focusing on living healthy so I can cure my body, not just my mind, as well.But I want to talk about healthy mind today...

I saw that I'm moving nowhere with junk food, starvation and self-hatred and I knew I needed to change something in order to live a normal life. But the change can't come easily after so many years. I saw the consequences in the way I treated myself and the way I thought about food. I was afraid to eat. The good thing was that at that time the trend of healthy lifestyle and fit bodies ovecame the trend of anorexia and super thin bodies. I started to read articles about healthy food and I tried to force myself to stop being afraid of eating.