Každý občas zažíváme momenty, u kterých bychom rádi, aby snad ani neskončily. A i když víme, že přece jen jednou skončí, je nám jasné, že na ně nikdy nezapomeneme... Abych se o ně s vámi podělila, přicházím s novým typem článků právě pod hashtagem #UnforgettableMomentsInLife. A samozřejmě budu ráda, když se ke mně připojíte - ať už v komentářích, na vlastních blozích, na instagramu, facebooku či kdekoli jinde (a samozřejmě pokud chcete, abych je našla, přidejte k nim ten správný hashtag) :)
English below...
A abyste viděli, že nemyslím pouze ty speciální a velké dny, které se vám často pod pojmem nezapomenutelný moment vybaví (svatba, promoce, narození potomka,..), první článek věnuji jednomu krásnému západu slunce na doslova magickém místě...
V dubnu tohoto roku jsem se s pár kamarády sebrala a z Göteborgu jsme se vydali na roadtrip po jižním Švédsku. Celý den se honily mraky a poprchávalo, ještě když jsme vyjížděli z Ystadu směrem k poslední zastávce dne, k nedaleké megalitické stavbě Ales Stenar, stahovaly se kolem nás mraky. Když jsme ale u moře v nejjižnější oblasti Švédska vystoupili z auta, obloha se úplně vyčistila. Švédský Stonehenge jsme si mohli prohlédnout nejen při krásném západu slunce a za šumění moře, ale také úplně sami, jen za přítomnosti stáda ovcí.
Určitě vám nemusím moc popisovat, jak krásný večer to byl. Všichni jsme odtamtud samozřejmě odjížděli s úsměvy na tvářích. A já vím, že na tohle místo a západ slunce v životě nezapomenu...
A na jaký zážitek nikdy nezapomenete vy? Podělte se o něj s hashtagem #UnforgettableMomentsInLife.
We've all experienced moments that we hoped would never end. And ever though we knew they were going to end, we also knew that we would never forget them... I would like to share some of mine with you via new type of posts with hashtag #UnforgettableMomentsInLife. And of course I'd love to see yours - post articles on your blog, facebook, instagram, or comment below this article (and of course if you want me to see them, add this hashtag).
But I want you to know that I don't mean just those special and huge moments in life that many of you think of when you read "unforgettable moment" (wedding, graduation, giving birth,...). To show you that my first article will be about one beautiful sunset in an magical place...
In April, this year, I and few of my friends took car and left Gothenburg to explore Southern Sweden. The weather was quite cloudy and rainy the whole day, even when we were leaving Ystad towards our last stop, near megalithic monument Ales Stenar, there were clouds above our heads. But when we got out of the car in the most Southern part of Sweden, the sky suddenly cleared up. We got to enjoy Swedish Stonehenge not only in beautiful weather that allowed us to enjoy amazing sunset hearing murmuring sea but we were also completely alone there, only with a herd of sheep.
I'm sure I don't have to describe how amazing evening it was. We all left this place with smile on our faces. And I know for sure that I will never forget this place and sunset...
What experience will you never forget? Share it with us and don't forget the hashtag #UnforgettableMomentsInLife
Krásné fotky :) Takové okamžiky s přáteli jsou nejlepší ^^
ReplyDeleteI love this, it's such a beautiful idea (and the sunset was too) there are many things in life I never wish to forget lifes just so fleeting that you need to hold onto the memories of things that make you smile/happy even if it's something small :)
ReplyDeleteThat looks so beautiful! Even the smallest things can make you feel so much better :-)
ReplyDelete<3: Jasmin N
These photos are so beautiful! Spending time with friends can make everything so much better!
Love the idea and the photos!
ReplyDeleteGreat post! I love the photos, I only wish one of my photos would turn out half as good XD
ReplyDeleteBeautiful photos. I love the idea of unforgettable moments not always being major life turners. Sometimes the most simple sunset can be the most memorable.
lovely!!! And nice pictures too!!
ReplyDeleteI several things I will never forget. My drive across country, traveling to New Zealand and Australia. There are so many moments I always want to keep with me. Love your photos!
ReplyDeleteStunning photography! Lovely post :)
ReplyDeleteBeautiful pictures!
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful place and your pictures captured the essence of the place. Would love to visit that place one day. Glad you enjoyed
ReplyDeleteBeautiful, and to have captured some great photos.. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm sure it was quite unforgettable! The photos are great and if I was there, I wouldn't forget them either! I recently came back from New York and there were moments that are definitely unforgettable. Thanks for sharing :)
ReplyDeleteRon | Nearby Wanderer