It's almost Christmas time and I can imagine that many of you are still thinking what you'd like to get as a present or how you could treat yourself... I know that you can buy things you want anytime but I'm pretty sure there are more people like me out there - those who want to buy things that are more expensive when it's "the right time", for example Christmas, birthday, etc...
I bought myself my first DSLR camera last year for Christmas. It was two weeks before I was leaving to spend half a year in Sweden. I thought that I couldn't have picked better time! Or maybe I could... If I wanted to take good pics in Sweden, I should have bought it months ago!
Am I kidding you? No! It takes a lot of time to understand DSLR cameras and to take good pictures with them. And now, almost a year after I started using it, I'm still far away from being a good photographer!
A year with DSLR camera
I remember how excited I was after a first walk with my new camera. You can even see all of those pics because I immediatelly uploaded a post full of them called
Christmas Walks. These were the first pics I've ever taken with a DSLR camera (not talking about those pics I took right after I took it out of the bag for the first time trying it at home). I don't think they're bad. These are quite nice pics for those who just want to take pics to save them as memories. And that's what I was doing in Sweden as well... I was carrying my camera with me all the time, shooting thousands of pictures. But how? I only used
automatic program. What a pity, right?